The Director of TPDC briefed on the progress of training course in physics
News ArchiveApril 26, 2017
Giorgi Machabeli, the Director of National Center for Teacher Professional Development, visited the ongoing training course in physics in the Natural Sciences Laboratory of the Center. The training was conducted by Irma Mgeladze, the professor working in Bern, Switzerland.

The three-day training focused on the following topics:
  • Analysis of modern topics and methods of physics;
  • Light from the sun and sand;
  • Modern technologies and topics in the framework of classical physics.
The aim of the training was to analyze the part of modern physics which can be taught within the school curricula and also how to comply the themes of classical physics with the daily interests of the youth and how to make teaching process attractive with the use of modern technologies.

"Description of the world, natural phenomena and subjects around us is unimaginable without the laws of physics. The study and use of these laws has created the present reality and all of the technological advances that we apply in our everyday life. That is why it is important to teach the topics that will interest students and finally develop love of physics, "said Mrs. Irma Mgeladze, the physicist-theorist.