Training in Special Pedagogy Master's Program
News ArchiveJuly 11, 2012

Teachers’Professional Development Center introduces a new special training – Master’sprogram in special Pedagogy. The training which focuses on 6 general issues has alreadybegun. These issues are as follows:

1.            Teaching pupils with speechdifficulties.

2.            Teaching pupils with low vision.

3.            Teaching hearing-impaired pupils.

4.            Teaching behavior problems pupils.

5.            Teaching pupils with intellectual disabilities.

6.            Teaching pupils with multipledisabilities.

Six specialgroups concentrate their attention on the problems mentioned above. All sixgroups simultaneously consider the specifics of the violations and themethodology of working with pupils with special needs. These trainings willhelp to establish the Master’s Program in Ilia State University. Teachers withspecial profile help the members of high-schools and share their ownexperiences.

Trainingsare conducted by the Ministry of Science and Education of Georgia, Teachers’Professional Development Center, Ilia State University, USAID, Save the Childrenand The Ministry of Education and Research of Norway. Trainers werepreviously provided with special trainings.