Presentation of a new web-site
News ArchiveDecember 06, 2012

French Institute held a presentation of a new educational web-site - a simple, fun and effective way to discover and study French. Mr. Gilles Carasso attended the presentation as well as the director of French Institute and the head of the Teacher’s Professional Development center Gia Mamulashvili. offers Georgian children of 10-12 topical learning modules, which include videos, dialogues, games, interactive and downloadable exersices. It’s worth noting, that these exersices enable children to study language at home, as well as independently and at school. With the help of audio-visual materials children will get familiar with French culture and civilization.

The web-site is suitable for the starter learners of the langauge. In order to make the site easier to understand and provoke children’s curiosity, all the explanaitions and definitions are in Georgian.

French Institute in Georgia in collaboration with the Teachers’ Professional Develpment Center plans to conduct teacher trainings about the use of the site at schools. is an analogue of the project implemented in Poland. It was a great success among teachers and children. 23rd public school students and their teacher Maka Nadareishvili adopted the video and pedagogical material of the site. It’s worth noting, that Maka nadareishvili is the trainer of the Teacher’s House.