“Teacher Induction, Professional Development and
Career Advancement Scheme” was enacted in September last year and despite the
fact that the first year of the program
was considered pilot and the program has been running only for a semester,
teachers’ involvement in scheme
activities is still high. 330 teachers successfully passed the subject exams and
won the status of senior teachers.
The scheme transitive statute implies promotion of
all the teachers who had passed the professional skills tests.
After the scheme enactment teachers
successfully passing the subjects exams,
became equal to the teachers with certified teacher status and won the status of senior teachers within
the scheme.
Currently there’re 16339 senior teachers in the
country. 6200 in-service teachers involved in the scheme have passed the
professional skills test. In case of successfully passing the subjects tests, they’ll earn the
senior teacher status.
“Teacher Induction, Professional Development and Career Advancement
Scheme” implies the direct correlation between the professional development of
teachers involved in scheme and their pay rise, additional boost for teacher
motivation for passing all the levels and getting to the top level. Teacher evaluation
takes place in schools, that contributes to increasing the school prestige and
helps implementing the evaluation component that had been lacking in schools
“Teacher Induction, Professional Development and Career Advancement
Scheme” turned the successful instrument for measuring teacher professional