 “Vocational Teacher Development” State Program
 Teach for Georgia
 Program specific goal (s)
 Teach and Learn with Georgia
 Trainings in Information-Communication Technologies
 Georgian Language for Future Success
 “School Network” Program
 “Education Management” Program
 Teacher Induction Program
 Training Educators For Excellence Project
 Non-Georgian teachers’ professional development program

Program specific goal (s)

General Education Reforms initiated by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Georgia are addressed to improve teaching and learning quality. Despite the multiple professional development programmes implemented by the National Centre for Teacher Professional Development, today the quality of teaching in many regions of Georgia falls behind the set standards. Considering these factors, the National Center for Teacher Professional Development created a project “Teach for Georgia” the main goal of which was to attract and maintain qualified staff in schools, provide pre-service as well as in-service trainings for the cohort, and promote their professional development throughout their commitment.

TfG success is driven by the focus on student achievement and efforts to continually improve the program. While growing in scale and impact, TfG remains focused on ensuring that more students are achieving academically and more young teachers enter the profession. 

The main goal of the programme is to promote teaching and learning in schools by provision of high-qualified teaching staff and to ensure educational opportunity for all.

Key goals:
  • to attract and retain effective teaching talents;
  • to advance the teaching profession and to provide incentives for teachers to teach for a career;
  • to increase students’ academic progress;
  • to promote local community engagement in school life.