Grant contest for teachers’ subject unions
Announcements ArchiveNovember 30, 2016

National Center forTeacher Professional Developmentannouncesa grant competitionforteacherssubjectunions/ associations. The goal ofthe competition is to involve theteacherssubject unions / associationsin theprofessional developmentand enhance their participation in theprocess, which will contribute to strengthening of external actors and creation of conditions for a gradual decentralization of the Center services.

The competition is open to subject or the subject group teacher unionsthat haveanon-entrepreneurial(non-commercial) legal entity status.

Subject to the competition objective, in the event ofthe grantaward, applicants shallhave the following tasksto perform:

  • plan and carry out public discussions on the standards with appropriate subject or subject group teachers, focus groups and prepare a relevant report;
  • carry out desk research, which will include a comparative analysis of the national curriculum new subject standards and the teacher professional standards;
  • indicate the research methodology, key findings and recommendations in the final report.

Any subject associations / unions interested in the competitions should submit a completed project application in the electronic application form no later than December 5 to the Center official

The amount of the project requested from the Center should not exceed 7000 GEL.

For further information, see the attached  File

Electronic Application  Form