One of the top priorities
in vocational education development strategy in Georgia is vocational teachers’
professional development and turning the profession into a more appealing and
prestigious one in general. The strategy emphasizes the need for systematic and
long-term approach to teacher professional development. In this direction, it
is challenging to develop vocational education teachers training, induction and
continuous professional development system.
It should be noted that
the recent years has laid the foundation for the system formation, but no less
important is the implementation phase, which requires mobilizing of resources
and a sustained and targeted intervention. In addition, in the background of
the changes taking place within the vocational education field, improvement of
teacher capacities in specific areas is on the agenda: implementing training
programs based on their needs and other professional development activities.
Program Goals
program aims todevelopteacher
training, professional development and career growth systemanddevelopvocational
education teachercompetenciesin
accordance with the current changesinteachers' needs and
vocational education. Thus,the objectives of the programis
to respond, onthe one
hand the challenges at the system level,andon the other hand - teachers'
needs. In particular,
- Develop
teachers’ skills in the vocational education;
- Develop
teachers’ skills in inclusive education;
- Develop
teachers’ skills in the use of ICT;
- Develop
teachers’ subject skills in priority areas in enterprises and with
- Teachers'
professional knowledge and skills to meet the outcomes provided by the
professional standards and modular training;
- Teacher
training and development unified system to be established and function successfully.