 “Vocational Teacher Development” State Program
 Teach for Georgia
 Teach and Learn with Georgia
 Trainings in Information-Communication Technologies
 Georgian Language for Future Success
 “School Network” Program
 “Education Management” Program
 Teacher Induction Program
 Training Educators For Excellence Project
 Non-Georgian teachers’ professional development program

School teachers Online System involvement and Collaboration with European countries (eTwinning Plus)

LEPL National Center for Teacher Professional Development with the help of European Commission has implemented teacher collaboration program since March 2013 (eTwinningplus), which aims at networking, communication and sharing experiences of Georgian and European teachers. Within Etwinning program Georgian teachers collaborate with their European counterparts to jointly plan educational projects.

The program enables teachers to engage in the most vibrant and exciting educational network across Europe. eTwinningPlus Portal ( is the main working space, which offers registered teachers a variety of instruments and services to find partners, select desired projects and participate in them.

Program aim:

The program aims to help teachers establish solid working relations at regional and international levels with the view to share the experience; to facilitate the identification and sharing of successful school practices, as well as innovative teaching methods and practices;

Contact person - Khatia Matkava 577 23 98 23