News Archive
Presentation on “European Profiling Grid for Teachers of Foreign Languages”
12 February 2015
Presentation on “European Profiling Grid for Teachers of Foreign Languages” was held in the National Center for Teacher Professional Development. The event was attended by Lia Gigauri- ...
State Committee will develop the Teacher Evaluation Criteria
20 January 2015
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia has presented special committee to the Government of Georgia. The committee will develop regulative documents on pre-service teacher procedures and in- service teacher professional development schem ...
Meeting on Environmental Awareness Issues
20 January 2015
A meeting on “Waste Management Code” related sanctions was held for public school teachers in National Center for Teacher Professional Development. Teimuraz Murghulia, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection and ...
Second Teacher National Conference Winner’s Award
29 December 2014
Second Teacher National Conference “Best Teaching Practice in Schools” winners had been awarded in Teacher House. The ceremony was opened by LiaGigauri, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, andGiorgiMachabeli ...
Trainings for English Language Teachers in England
15 December 2014
National Center for Teacher Professional Development organized training sessions for 20 English Language Teachers in Great Britain. Teachers, organized into two groups, each had 2 week ...
Rezo Chkheidze Evening in Teacher House
15 December 2014
A school conference dedicated to the 88-th anniversary of film director RezoChkheidze was organized by the “Teach Georgian as a Second Language “ program at the Teacher House. Trainer-t ...
Book “Parent Effectiveness Training” by Thomas Gordon Presentation
15 December 2014
Thomas Gordon ‘s books: “Parent Effectiveness Training” and teacher book: “ Teacher Effectiveness Training” presentations were held in Teacher House. LiaGigauri, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education ...
New Initiative: “School of Trainers” in Georgia
08 December 2014
“School of Trainers” will start functioning in National Center for Teacher Professional Development, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. The project will start from 2015 and will offer various courses for trainers. ...
06 December 2014
A summative meeting was held with the “School based Professional Development” program. The representatives of the National Center for Teacher Professional Development and program trainer-consultants. Participants discussed the program development ...
Initiatives and Challenges in Digital Teaching
26 November 2014
A two day forum on : Initiatives and Challenges in Digital Teaching- Learning via New Media Tools was initiated by the German Society for International Collaboration (GIZ) and Ministry of Education an ...