National Center for Teachers’ Professional Development hosted a final
conference of the project “Debate School 2014” conducted by public union bridge
of friendship “Kartlosi” and Polish organization “International Education
The invited guests had the opportunity to get familiarized with self-government
at public schools and Polish experience in debate culture. During the
conference results and information on the project “Debate School 2014” implementation
was introduced which was delivered by the tutors, teachers and pupils involved
in the project.
It’s worth noting, that the project aimed at enhancing social
activities at schools, increasing youth participation, promoting pupils’ participation
in decision-making process. Developing critical thinking and argument skills.
Within the framework of the project, pupils were introduced to debate techniques
and scool problem diagnosing methods. Participants carried out a study on the
most actual problem revealed during the study. It’s worth noting, that teams
will continue works to solve the highlighted problems in the future.