By the initiative of National Center for Teachers’ Professional
Development a conference on teachers’ professional development was held. The conference
was attended by the representatives of the MES professional education
department as well as members of National Center for Educational Quality
The main goals of the conference were:
- To review and analyze the trainings aimed at
professional development of teachers of vocational colleges;
- Presentation of 4-year program for vocational
education teachers.
- To review the draft of vocational education
teachers training and professional concept.
It’s worth noting, that national Center for
Teachers’ Professional Development is implementing a state program which serves
as a tool to develop vocational education teachers’ professional skills. Teachers’
professional development trainings and activities are systematically being
Teacher training and professional development
concept was developed in collaboration with the UN, which is aiming at the
regulation of teachers’ education programs, recruiting new personnel in the
profession, teachers' professional development on a college base, as well as
from the state.
The work on the concept still continues and it is
scheduled to meet with NGOs and international donor organizations to discuss
the document before it is submitted to the approval to the MES.