language teachers of public schools attended a two-day seminar. They colleagues
who had the opportunity to pass probation in France shared experience with the
teachers from Tbilisi and regional schools. The seminar was opened by the head
of The Teachers’ professional Development Center Gia Mamulashvili. The issues
as follow were discussed during the meeting:
- The role of active pedagogy in French Language
- Authentic materials (video, audio and newspaper
articles and the innovative methods of their usage, etc.
The seminar was attended by the representatives
of The French Institute, who presented a new educational web-site to the
teachers. The event was attended by about 80 teachers.
language teachers were sent to enhance their qualification in France Antibes
international Center. The Teachers’ Professional Development Center sent
teachers from Tbilisi, as well as from other regional schools to France where
they will attend one-week trainings. 10 teachers had been selected for the
trainings mentioned above.